nova beseda iz Slovenije

Amelia Jones: Body art, poved v sobesedilu:

(557) Kubitza trdi, da so staranje, bolezen in smrt enako ključne prvine Wilkejinega dela kot lepota; "Hannah Wilke: Bilder Vollständiger", str. 72. Vivian Sobchack je pokazala tudi na vlogo staranja pri določanju "vrednosti" ženske-kot-podobe; glej "Revenge of the Leech Woman: On the Dread of Aging in a Low-Budget Horror Film", v: Rodney Sappington in Tyler Stallings (ur.), Uncontrollable Bodies: Testimonies of Identity and Culture, Bay Press, Seattle, 1994, str. 79.

(558) Glej Cassandra Langer, "The Art of Healing", str. 132; in LouAnne Greenwald, "Subject; Object: Boundaries Unbound -
A Look at the Work of Three Feminists in Their Exploration of Subjectivity through Representation", neobjavljena razprava.

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Strežnik Inštituta za slov. jezik Fr. Ramovša ZRC SAZU Iskalnik: NEVA