nova beseda iz Slovenije

DELO, leto 2008, poved v sobesedilu:

Na povabilo Zveze ciprskih arhitektov je predaval o temi Modular Composition and its Aplication in Cyprus in v Nikoziji razstavljal pod naslovom Composition of Sizes in Architecture of Cyprus (1988). S strani Acharya Naredra Dev International Research Institute of Buddhist Studies je bil povabljen na seminar On the Buddhist Architecture and National Cultures in, v Varanasi, s predavanjem Plans of Borobudur and Other Eurasian Architectures Conforming with Octagram (1989). Na povabilo Univerze v Madridu se je udeležil kongresa On the Tradition in the late Antiquity s predavanjem Continuity of the Antique Compositional Principles in the Architecture of the Eufrasian Basilica at Poreč (1993).

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