nova beseda iz Slovenije

Amelia Jones: Body art, poved v sobesedilu:

Delo Lise Bloom o feminizmu in etnični pripadnosti, zlasti judovstvu, je pomemben korektiv kratkovidnosti (belega) feminizma. Glej njeno razpravo "Contests for Meaning in Body Politics and Feminist Discourses of the 1970s and 1980s: The Work of Eleanor Antin", v: in Andrew Stephenson (ur.), Performing the Body / Performing the Text, Routledge, London in New, 1999, str. 153-169. Glej tudi razpravo Nancy Ring o judovstvu v razmerju do Judy Chicago, "Identifying with Judy Chicago", v: (ur.), Sexual Politics, str. 126.

(578) Sontag, Illness as Metaphor, str. 48, 82.

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