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Amelia Jones: Body art, poved v sobesedilu:

(50) Pri zaključevanju tega poglavja so mi bili v neprecenljivo pomoč predlogi in komentarji Karen.

(51) M. Bénamou je citiran v Régis Durand, "Une nouvelle théâtricalité: La performance", v: Reveue d'études américaines, št. 10, 1980; glej tudi M. Bénamou in Caramello (ur.), Performance in Postmodern Culture, Coda, Madison, 1977. Johannes Birringer razpravlja o dejstvu, da "performans dandanes (...) velja za 'postmodernega'", v Theatre, Theory, Postmodernism, University Press, Bloomington in Indianapolis, 1991, str. 47. O povezavi med performansom in postmodernizmom glej tudi Philip Auslander, Presence and Resistance: Postmodernism and Cultural Politics in Contemporary American Performance, University of Michigan Press, Arbor, 1994; Sally Banes, Greenwich Village 1963: Avant-Garde Performance and the Effervescent Body, University Press, Durham, 1993; Blau, To All Appearances: Ideology and Performance, Routledge, New in London, 1992; Carlson, Performance: A Critical Introduction, Routledge, New in London, 1996; C. Carr, On Edge: Performance at the End of the Twentieth Century, Wesleyan / New Presses, Hanover in London, 1993;- Case (ur.), Performing Feminisms: Feminist Critical Theory and Theatre, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1990;- Case, Philip Brett in Susan Leigh Foster, Cruising the Performative: Interventions into Representation of Ethnicity, Nationality, and Sexuality, University Press, Bloomington in Indianapolis, 1995; Jill Dolan, Presence and: Essays on Gender, Sexuality, and Performance, University of Michigan Press, Arbor, 1993; Lynda Hart in Peggy Phelan (ur.),

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