nova beseda iz Slovenije

Amelia Jones: Body art, poved v sobesedilu:

(34) Grosz, "Notes Towards a Corporeal Feminism", Australian Feminist Studies, letnik 5, poletje 1987, str. 8.

(35) Glej Willoughby, "Body Works", v: Avalanche št. 1, jesen 1970, str. 14; Nemser, "Subject-Object Body", v: Arts Magazine, letnik 46, št. 1, september-oktober 1971, str. 38; Vergine, Il corpo come linguaggio (La "body-" e storie simili), prev. Henry, Giampaolo Prearo Editore,, 1974; François Pluchart, L' corporel, Rodolphe / Galerie, Pariz, 1974; in Licht, "Bodyworks", v: Bodyworks, Museum of Contemporary, Chicago, 1975, b. p.

(36) Henry Sayre je pomembno prispeval k razumevanju portretiranja - in njegove "teatralizacije jaza" - kot enega od vidikov performansa; glej Sayre, "The Rhetoric of the Pose: Photography and the Portrait as Performance", 1. poglavje, v: The Object of Performance.

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