nova beseda iz Slovenije

Drago Jančar: Terra incognita, poved v sobesedilu:

Gradually, piše Adamic, I realized what I had dimly known in my boyhood, that, next to agriculture, Slovenia's leading industry Culture. In Lublyana were seven large bookshops (as large as most of the hardware, drygoods, and drugstores in town), two of them more than a hundred years old . . . Besides, each bookstore carried a selection of the latest, French, Czech, Serbo-Croat, English and Italian books . . . in Slovenia nearly everybody - merchants, peasants, priests, teachers, students - bought books anyhow . . . In two years there had been forty-eight performances of Hamlet in Lublyana.

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Strežnik Inštituta za slov. jezik Fr. Ramovša ZRC SAZU Iskalnik: NEVA