Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language at ZRC SAZU
Corpus Laboratory

POS tag coding

Examples:Sže2- noun, feminine gender, singular, genitive
 A - adverb
 Gcp - verb, third person, plural
 Pme1i - adjective, masculine gender, singular, nominative, definite form

Word class codes

S, I noun Šnumeral Vconjunction
Gverb Aadverb Minterjection
Padjective     Čparticle Kabbreviation
Zpronoun Epreposition     

POS category codes

  Gender    Number    Case    Person    Degree    Definiteness    Relationship
 m male   e singular   1 nominative   a first   j primernik   i def. form   pr priredno
 ž female   d dual   2 genitive   b second   jjpresežnik   po podredno
 s neuter   p plural   3 dative   c third
  4 accusative
  5 instrumental
  6 ablative


       Code  Gender  Number    Case          Example   
noun S     {m,ž,s}   {e,d,p}     {1,2,3,4,5,6}     Sme1   (dan)
gerund SG    {m,ž,s} {e,d,p}  {1,2,3,4,5,6} SGse2(spoznanja)
personal name IO    {m,ž,s} {e,d,p}  {1,2,3,4,5,6} IOme1(Martin)
proper name of inhabitants IP    {m,ž,s} {e,d,p}  {1,2,3,4,5,6} IPme2(Čeha)
divine names IV    {m,ž,s} {e,d,p}  {1,2,3,4,5,6} IVme3(Bogu)
animal names IŽ    {m,ž,s} {e,d,p}  {1,2,3,4,5,6} IŽže3(Liski)
place names IZ    {m,ž,s} {e,d,p}  {1,2,3,4,5,6} IZme2(Črnomlja)
mythological names IM    {m,ž,s} {e,d,p}  {1,2,3,4,5,6} IMme5(Hadu)
other names (institutions, book titles ...)IS    {m,ž,s} {e,d,p}  {1,2,3,4,5,6} ISže2(Iliade)

Code Person Gender Number Case  Example
main verb G {a,b,c} {e,d,p} Gce (plava)
auxiliary verb to be in present GP {a,b,c} {e,d,p} GPce (je)
auxiliary verb to be in future GFP {a,b,c} {e,d,p} GFPcp (bodo)
negative form of the aux. verb to be GZP {a,b,c} {e,d,p} GZPae (nisem)
verb to be GO {a,b,c} {e,d,p} Sže1 GOce(hiša je)
verb to be in relational sense GR {a,b,c} {e,d,p} Pže1 GRce(lepa je)
negative form of the verb to be GZO {a,b,c} {e,d,p} GZOce (ni)
verb to be in future GFO {a,b,c} {e,d,p} GFObe (boš)
negative form of the verb to have GZ {a,b,c} {e,d,p} GZbe (nimaš)
imperative GV {a,b,c} {e,d,p} GVbe (glej)
participle ending in -l GL {m,ž,s}{e,d,p} GLže (obrisala)
participle of the verb to be GLB {m,ž,s}{e,d,p} GLBme (bil)
particple ending in -n/-t GN/GT {m,ž,s}{e,d,p}{1,2} GNme1 (rojen)
participle ending in -č/-ši GČ/GŠI (loveč)
infinitive GNE GNE (povedati)
supine GNA GNA (gledat)
conditional GBI GBI (bi)
separate verbial morpheme Gmp Gmp (se)


       Code   Gender  Number  Case          Degree Definiteness Example   
adjective P {m,ž,s} {e,d,p}{1,2,3,4,5,6}{/,j,jj} {/,i} Pme1i (pomladni)
participle ending in -l PL {m,ž,s} {e,d,p}{1,2,3,4,5,6} {/,i} PLmp4 (uspele)
participle ending in -n/-t PN/PT {m,ž,s} {e,d,p}{1,2,3,4,5,6} {/,i} PNme4i(zgrešeni)
participle ending in -č/-ši PČ/PŠI {m,ž,s} {e,d,p}{1,2,3,4,5,6} {/,i} PČže2 (cvetoče)
predicative adjective PD {m,ž,s} {e,d,p} {/,j,jj} PDme (rad)
possesive adjectives from proper names of personsPIO {m,ž,s} {e,d,p}{1,2,3,4,5,6} PIOžp4(Andrejeve)
poss.adj.from proper names of inhabitants PIP {m,ž,s} {e,d,p}{1,2,3,4,5,6} PIPme1(Brikin)
poss.adj.from divine names PIV {m,ž,s} {e,d,p}{1,2,3,4,5,6} PIVse4(Kronovo)
poss.adj.from proper names of places PIZ {m,ž,s} {e,d,p}{1,2,3,4,5,6} PIZže5(Krimski)
poss.adj.from proper names of mythological placesPIM {m,ž,s} {e,d,p}{1,2,3,4,5,6} PIMme5(Hadovem)
poss.adj.from other names PIS {m,ž,s} {e,d,p}{1,2,3,4,5,6} PISže5(Mohorjevi)


       Code   Person  Gender  Number  Gender  Number  Case  Example    
personal pronoun ZO {a,b,c}{m,ž,s,/}{e,d,p} {1,2,3,4,5,6} ZOcme5 (njem)
personal reflexive pronoun ZOP {2,3,4,5,6} ZOP2 (sebe)
possesive pronoun ZSV {a,b,c}{m,ž,s,/}{e,d,p}{m,ž,s}{e,d,p}{1,2,3,4,5,6} ZSVaeme2(mojega)
possesive reflexive pronoun ZSVP {m,ž,s}{e,d,p}{2,3,4,5,6} ZSVPme6 (svojim)
interrogative pronoun ZV {m,ž,s}{e,d,p}{1,2,3,4,5,6} ZVse1 (kaj)
relative pronoun ZR {m,ž,s}{e,d,p}{1,2,3,4,5,6} ZRme2 (kakršnega)
negative pronoun ZNI {m,ž,s}{e,d,p}{1,2,3,4,5,6} ZNIže2 (nikakršne)
indefinite pronoun ZPO {m,ž,s}{e,d,p}{1,2,3,4,5,6} ZPOme1 (kdo)
relative indefinite pronoun ZRPO {m,ž,s}{e,d,p}{1,2,3,4,5,6} ZRPOme6 (komerkoli)
definite pronoun ZNE {m,ž,s}{e,d,p}{1,2,3,4,5,6} ZNEse1 (nekaj)
demonstrative pronoun ZD {m,ž,s}{e,d,p}{1,2,3,4,5,6} ZDme5 (drugem)
general pronoun ZT {m,ž,s}{e,d,p}{1,2,3,4,5,6} ZTse1 (vse)
identity pronoun ZI {m,ž,s}{e,d,p}{1,2,3,4,5,6} ZIme4 (isti)
multitude pronoun ZM {m,ž,s}{e,d,p}{1,2,3,4,5,6} ZMse3 (marsičemu)
demonstrative pronoun ZK {m,ž,s}{e,d,p}{1,2,3,4,5,6} ZKmp1 (ti)
emphasized pronoun ZPU {m,ž,s}{e,d,p}{1,2,3,4,5,6} ZPUže1 (sama)
conjunctional pronoun ZVR ZVR (ki)


       Code    Gender  Number  Case  Example 
cardinal numeral ŠG {m,ž,s} {e,d,p} {1,2,3,4,5,6} ŠGže3 (petintridesetim)
ordinal numeral ŠV {m,ž,s} {e,d,p} {1,2,3,4,5,6} ŠVme2 (prvega)
separating numeral ŠL {m,ž,s} {e,d,p} {1,2,3,4,5,6} ŠLse6 (dvojim)
multiple numeral ŠM {m,ž,s} {e,d,p} {1,2,3,4,5,6} ŠMme5 (trojnih)
quantifiers ŠNE ŠNE (nekaj)
Roman number ŠR ŠNE (MMVIII)
number Š Š (77.500,00.-)

Adverbs and other word classes

  Code  RelationshipDegree Case Example 
adverb A (/,j,jj) A (resnično)
particle Č Č (kar)
negative particle ČZ ČZ (ne)
conjunctional particle ČV ČV (ali)
preposition E {2,3,4,5,6} E2 (iz)
conjunction V {pr,po} Vpr(in)
interjection M M (oh)

Code  Gender Number Case         Example
lower case abbreviation K K (št.)
upper case abbreviation KI {/,m,ž,s}{/,e,d,p} {/,1,2,3,4,5,6}KI (ŠTUNFF)

Page posted September 24, 2008. Date of last change: October 14. Prepared by P. Jakopin with the help of A. Bizjak.